
Showing posts from August, 2020

Pampered diagnosis !

Pampered diagnosis !  A young lady with dreams of bright future as a model had cough since six months. she had dry cough most of the time. Her throat would itch so severe that she would feel like scratching the inside of throat. The unpleasant sensation was a constant  trouble for her. As the time passed she got habituated with her cough.  She was a conscious educated  person regarding her health. So, she took medical advice from a reputed doctor for her problem. She was assured of the benign nature of her cough. She also had some noisy breathing along with cough. Cough and noisy breathing came together like twin brothers. Any doctor with an average IQ would suspect  her  having bronchial asthma.  She was given asthalin  puffs through inhalers. In addition to the asthalin, she was prescribed steroid based puffs. However her symptoms never subsided completely. She never had these symptoms in the past. Her abdomen was fine and had no urinary complai...


उपचारमा अटेरीपन ।

उपचारमा अटेरीपन ।  " डाक्टर ! बिरामी घर जाने रे ! "  यमर्जेन्सिबाट  बिहानै फोन आउँछ । आँखाले भर्खर आराम पाउने मौका पाएका थिए । मिठा सपना त द्युटिमा कहिल्यै देख्न पाइने  कुरै भएन । पेशाको कर्म नै त्यस्तो । रातिको २ बजे भर्ना गरेको बिरामी बिहान ६ नबज्दै घर जान भन्नू अस्वभाविक लागेर एमर्जेन्सी जान्छु । जाँदा लिफ्ट प्रयोग गर्छु । लिफ्टमा नै क्षणभर  आँखालाई आराम दिन पाइने लोभले ।  ज्वरो श्वास फेर्न गार्हो र खोकी लागेर आएका ती बिरामी हालको अवस्थामा कोरोना शंका गर्नु कुनै गल्ती थिएन । शरीरमा अक्सिजन नपुगेर मेसिनले जम्मा ७० प्रतिशत देखाइरहेको थियो । उनको छातीको एक्स रे मा दुबै फोक्सोमा न्युमोनियाको लक्षण देख्न सकिन्थ्यो । हेर्दा कोरोनाको बिरामी भन्दा फरक थिएन । उनलाई आइ सि यु स्थानान्तरण गर्ने सोच बनाएको थिएँ । भर्ना भएको ४ घण्टा नपुग्दै घर लिएर जान खोजेको मलाई चित्त बुझेको थिएन ।  बिरामीको जहान मुर्मुरिँदै थिन् । हाम्रो रेखदेख भएन भन्दै कराउँदै थिइन् सिस्टरहरुसँग । तर  केही क्षण अगाडी मात्रै प्रेसर आदिको जाँच गरिएको थियो । उनको मनको भडासको झटारो निस्केको...