
Showing posts from June, 2020

Soothing guess !!

A 26 yr old male from Dhangadi seemingly well arrives at the emergency department on a particular day when the patients were sparse. He got an accelerated admission in the ward. He didn't know he needed to be grateful to covid for getting fast admission in TUTH rather than doctors. On enquiry of his illness, he said he had been running fever since 3 months. His fever never disappeared completely. The doctors there  investigated him for the cause of fever as much they could. But the diagnosis was still elusive. He had pain in abdomen which wasn't incapacitating as much was his fever. Feeling cold and shaky was his usual routine.  He was lean and thin. He appeared to have lost weight recently. His temples on head  were like a crater.  He had almost no complaints of cough and change in bowel habit.  He was pale, and tinge of jaundice could be noted in his eyes. Though he had minimal complaints on his abdomen, he feared doctors touching it. His abdomen ached on touc...

शरीरको गाँठोले मनमा गाँठो नपरोस् । ।

शरीरको गाँठोले मनमा गाँठो ।  जिवनमा घटनाहरु सधैं सूचना दिएर आउँदैनन ।  कहिलेकाँही बज्रपात पर्ने गरि आउँछन् । स्वर्णिम आशा गरेको  जिवनको अचानक मध्यकाल नपुग्दै जिवनको उत्तरार्धमा परिणत हुनु दु:खद कुरा हो । समिनाको(नाम परिवरर्तित ) शरीरमा  एकाएक समस्या देखिन लाग्छ । स्नातक तह उतीर्ण गरेका धेरै दिन नबित्दै जिवनभर बुनेका  सपनाहरु एकाएक टुटेर जान्छन् । जीवन शून्यसरी हुन्छ । जीवन भनेको कस्तो तत्व रहेछ !  सधैं जिउन मन लाग्ने । अब धेरै समय छैन भनेर थाहा पाउँदा अझै बाँच्न मन लाग्ने । अझै सन्सार देख्न मन लाग्ने । माटोको शरीर भएपनि आफ्नो मन तयार नभएसम्म  माटोमा बिलिन हुन मन लाग्दैन । किनभने यो मनमा इच्छाका पोकाहरु फुक्नु अगाडि नै समयले घण्टी बजाउँदा  झर्को मात्रै लाग्छ  । दर्शनका कुरा जति गरे पनि दर्शनले मनलाई शान्त पार्न सक्दैन। भावनाले दर्शनको " लजिक " मान्दैन । हो समिनाको मनले पनि कसरी मान्छ त ? ३० नपुग्दै उनलाई एक्कासी  रोगले कायल बनाएको छ । आघात तुल्याएको छ ।  खाना रुचि कम हुनेबाट सुरु भएको रोग पेट फुल्लिने र आँखा पहेँलो हुँदै शरीर पनि पहे...

An intelligent guess !

An intelligent guess !  Guessing the age of a person sometimes surprises your speculation. The visual information doesn’t match the actual age of a person. The same happened to me when I saw an old man in emergency room. I assumed his age to be 70 years. To my surprise, his real age was 90 years. He had been physically fit throughout his life. I felt like saluting him for his body physique.  He was a country man. He survived his life with farming, working in fields. He barely trimmed his nails. He put on shoes on occasions. He was an innocent simple man that lived on earth. He probably never imagined that he would visit a hospital.He noticed progressive fatigue and lethargy for 2 months. He couldn’t carry out his daily activities. He was short of breath and had palpitations on walking a short distance.    He was fatigued even while going to washroom. The limitation of walking didn’t bother him as much his appetite did. He had aversion to food. He didn’t feel like eat...

Hole in his neck

Hole in his neck   Mr Tamang, 35 yr old hailing from sindhupalchowk was in a good shape of health till he found his legs shaky. He had a good physique and had immense strength in his limbs. He never had any hospital visits in his life. His family was a sweet    family with a wife and two children living happily together.  To his greatest surprise of his life, he suddenly couldn't feel his feet standing on the ground. He had some unusual tingling sensation in his legs. He barely could stand up on his own and had his feet dragging on the floor. This was a huge shock for him and his family.  The problem didn't seem to stop progressing. The weakness of his legs became more prominent and gradually ascended up to involve his upper limbs as well. On next day,    he was taken to a hospital. The rapidity of symptoms was an alarming sign for treating doctor. He couldn't scratch his nose when it had an itch. He couldn't catch a glass for drinkin...

That ring on her eyes

A story of a girl  Trishna, a 19 year old innocent girl from remote salyan gets pregnant in her late teens only to  find herself the changes during her pregnancy that she didn't expect.  She had eloped with a guy, whom she met in a mela. They instantly  fell in love with each other. The unacceptability of intercaste marriage in the home of the boy pressurized their brains ,overwhelmed with dopamine ,to marry each other despite any threats.   It is  often forgotten that Love is a blind chemical phenomenon for the brain when one is in love.  The hormone,  oxytocin creates commitment. The hormones,  oestrogen and  testosterone establishes the attraction. Hypothalamus sits on the throne of pleasure , which cant be dethroned easily.  Her underprivileged life was crawling smoothly till seventh month of pregnancy. She often had thrilling kicks of the baby that would send her assurance of the baby being well. She was assured to be norm...